Your professional website

Biblical Insights Commentary on the New Testament

The Heart of Cranfordville.com
Audio / video call

Video and Graphics Projects from C&L Ventures

The owners of C&L Ventures are Dr. and Mrs. Lorin L Cranford. C&L Ventures along with cranfordville.com were created in 1999, while we were living in western North Carolina at Boiling Springs, NC. I was professor of New Testament and ancient Greek at Gardner-Webb University (1998-2008) and Claire was School Librarian at a nearby elementary school, Cliffside Elementary School (2000-2008). What originally was intended to be a classroom teaching device for the classes which I taught in the Religion Department at the university gradually evolved into a Bible study oriented website within a few years after its launching. The company, C&L Ventures, came into existence in order to provide a legal framework for the licensing of the website, as well as to give legal standing to the emerging related companies of C&L Designs, C&L Publishing, and Photos By Claire.  From the outset, C&L Ventures has been created as a ministry rather than as a money generating company. Thus our services and materials are mostly cost free or else available for minimal purchase price. 

            In the many different hyperlinks at cranfordville.com, you will discover that most are continuously being upgraded and also expanded on a regular basis. Additionally, cranfordville is undergoing extensive updating in order to keep pace with changing standards for web design. Our goal is an up to date, professional level website that is very user friendly. This is a very real challenge for me but keeps me 'out of trouble' in my retirement years. Besides, personal health issues severely limit my mobility making it easier to spend greater amounts of time here in the office working on design projects while increasing my computer skills at the same time.           If questions arise about materials in cranfordville or personal questions about scripture interpretation arise, don't hesitate to contact me. I will do my best to give an honest, accurate answer to your concerns.  You can use the contact form below in order to reach out to me. 

                               Lorin L Cranford

                               CEO / Owner 

                               C&L Ventures 


Welcome to Cranfordville.com

A quick 10 second welcome video clip.


A glimpse into the homepage of Cranfordville

Meet C&L Ventures

Some more experimentation with video production. Enjoy this 2 min 10 sec video introduction to C&L Ventures in San Angelo, Texas.

How Cranfordville.com is arranged

Effective use of every website comes with understanding of how the URL is structured.
This view provides a quick overview of the arrangement of cranfordville.com

Services of C&L Ventures

Our Ministry Commitment to You

C&L Ventures makes the commitment to you that we will endeavor to provide the very finest digital products for the interpretation of the Christian scriptures that are possible for us to accomplish. Our starting point is the Scriptures of historic Christianity as divinely given revelation as the core foundation of both corporate church life and individual Christian living. In the Bible we encounter the Presence of the Living God who instructs us via His divine Spirit about His calling and design of a life pleasing to Almighty God. 

The presupposed method of interpretation of these scriptures reflects a historical and literary assumption. Without proper historical understanding both at the formal history and the social history levels, one will never adequately grasp the originally intended message of the biblical text. But equally important are the various literary aspects of this ancient text. Divine revelation was given to historical individual authors who made use of then existing literary patterns and forms of communication current in their day and age. The Hebrew / Aramaic of the Old Testament writings and the Koine Greek of the original New Testament documents are the essential starting point for every potentially legitimate interpretation of meaning. So the interpretative process begins with establishing the "then" meaning of the text. Out of the perimeters of thought established by this comes the challenge to determine the most likely "now" meaning of the scripture text that falls within the boundaries of the "then" meaning. 

Determining both dimensions of meaning can be challenging. But with honest inquiry that is guided by the Holy Spirit, definitive interpretation of the text becomes possible. Pulling the perceived meaning of many scripture texts into a cohesive holistic perspective then becomes the task of biblical theology. Although often challenging and occasionally very difficult, the absolute joy and delight in traveling this path is without question. For through this interpretive journey we encounter God and hear the voice of God speaking to our hearts. In the journey, we discover loads and loads of spiritual nourishment refreshing our day to day living. 

Thus contributing to this journey for every user of the products in cranfordville.com is our guiding principle in producing the materials offered by C&L Ventures and its affiliates. 


C&L Ventures has flourished during my retirement from the professorship at GWU in 2008. Even though the next eight years were spent in Cologne, Germany and San Jose, Costa Rica working for the International Baptist Convention, much more work on C&L Ventures and cranfordville.com has taken place due to being retired from the university classroom. The arrival at the Baptist Retirement Community in San Angelo, Texas on Dec. 8, 2015 signaled the last stage of retirement where much more time could be devoted to the company and the website. The daily routine has become settled and very predictable now. Enjoy this short overview of my day to day life at the BRC.

Contacting C&L Ventures

If you have a question about C&L Ventures or about the Christian New Testament, please fill out this contact form and send your questions to us. We will respond within 48 hours to your inquiry.

¡Bienvenido a mi círculo de amigos de internet!

Una introducción de C&L Ventures y mi ministerio a través de las redes sociales y cranfordville.com. Esta es la versión en español con versiones en inglés, francés y alemán.

Social networks

Connect your social networks to share all your public publications and latest news.
BIC Vivo  brukenschalgen2
BIC Vivo brukenschalgen2
La versión en español de BIC ALIVE! serie, llamada BIC VIVO !, ahora tiene su primer video completado y publicado. Para acceder a este video y al Storyboard que lo acompaña, vaya al volumen 15 del comentario en línea de BIC en cranfordville.com. Este video de nueve minutos presenta tanto la serie de videos como la metodología interpretativa utilizada para el Comentario de Perspectivas Bíblicas en línea en cranfordville.com.
9Long time ago
BIC VIVO report p01
BIC VIVO report p01
8Long time ago
BIC Alive Promo 02
BIC Alive Promo 02
Announcement of new BIC video series at cranfordville.com. Most of the first set of 14 videos on Colossians 1:1-2 are completed and available.;
10Long time ago
BIC 7 Hyperlinks Col. 1.1-2
BIC 7 Hyperlinks Col. 1.1-2
Listing of the introductory series in both English and Spanish of the new BIC video series. At cranfordville.com click on the BIC commentary, then click volume 15 for this listing.
10Long time ago
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From Lorin and Claire in San Angelo, Texas comes a prayer for God's blessings upon you. May this Christmas brings God's blessings to you. We celebrate the birth of Him whose death brings life to the entire world. God bless!
From Lorin and Claire in San Angelo, Texas comes a prayer for God's blessings upon you. May this Christmas brings God's blessings to you. We celebrate the birth of Him whose death brings life to the entire world. God bless!
3271Long time ago
How To Use Cranfordville.com
For hyperlinks go to:
How To Use Cranfordville.com For hyperlinks go to: https://indd.adobe.com/view/1cd49ce8-d4b7-4939-b4a1-20551f88acfe
2118Long time ago
LIFE JOURNEY IN MINISTRY: An Ad enture into unexpected Places.
LIFE JOURNEY IN MINISTRY: An Ad enture into unexpected Places.
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